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发布时间  2022-02-09 19:49:23 关注次数  488
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There are many reasons for automobile spontaneous combustion. We only need to pay more attention to several aspects to minimize the probability of automobile spontaneous combustion.
1、电路老化1. Circuit aging汽车的发动机仓内满布各种电子元器件及电线。如果因为电线外皮老化破损而导致漏电、短路,就很容易引发明火,导致车辆自燃。
The engine compartment of the car is covered with various electronic components and wires. If the electric leakage and short circuit are caused by the aging and damage of the wire skin, it is easy to cause open fire and spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.
2、油路老化2. Oil circuit aging汽车发动机他内本身就不够通风,加上高温曝晒、各种部件运作而产生的热量,使得发动机仓内温度偏高。如果刚好有油路因为老化破损而漏油,也会非常容易引起汽车自燃。
The automobile engine itself is not ventilated enough. Coupled with the heat generated by high-temperature exposure and the operation of various components, the temperature in the engine compartment is on the high side. If there happens to be oil leakage due to aging and damage of the oil circuit, it will also be very easy to cause auto spontaneous combustion.
3、润滑油系统缺油3. The lubricating oil system is short of oil如果发动机的润滑油系统缺油,机件表面因相互摩擦而产生高温,可燃物在热传导或热辐射的作用下就会被引燃,而最终导致火灾。不过,这种情况更多见于货车。
?? if the lubricating oil system of the engine is short of oil, the surface of the parts will produce high temperature due to mutual friction, and the combustibles will be ignited under the b of heat conduction or heat radiation, which will eventually lead to fire. However, this situation is more common in trucks.
4、改装不当4. Improper modification很多车主喜欢给自己的爱车加装各种元器件,例如氙气、雾灯、倒车雷达等,但却因为改装不规范、不专业,而导致线路错杂、接口不稳,这就给车辆自燃留下了隐患。
Many car owners like to add various components to their car, such as xenon, fog lamp, reversing radar, etc., but because the modification is not standardized and professional, it leads to mixed lines and unstable interfaces, which leaves hidden dangers for vehicle spontaneous combustion.
5、车内放置易燃易爆物品5. Inflammables and explosives are placed in the vehicle香水、打火机,对于汽车自燃来说都是高危产品。香水和打火机会在阳光的曝晒下爆炸燃烧。而关于车载香水爆炸,大家可以看一下下面视频中1分40秒的实验。
Perfume and lighter are all high-risk products for auto ignition. Perfumes and lighters will explode and burn under the sun's exposure. For vehicle perfume explosions, you can take a look at the 1 minutes and 40 seconds of the video below.

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