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水手SAILOR船用甚高频SAILOR 6222甚高频电台
发布时间  2022-02-10 10:06:53 关注次数  505
免费会员 6年
图文介绍 产品参数 供应商信息
SAILOR 6222 VHF DSC continues
the proud SAILOR tradition of
setting new standards for GMDSS
VHF design. It is a vital tool for
daily operation and has been
developed for the harsh maritime
environment as part of the inno
vative SAILOR 6000 Series. It is
based on the same foundation of
high reliability, ease-of-use and
leading-edge functionality that
has bed SAILOR as the
top name in maritime VHFs.
SAILOR 6222 VHF provides flexibility
through straightforward installation, either
as part of a GMDSS console or on its own.
As a result of improved, high perbance
and innovative, easy-to-use functionality
the radio offers important operational
enhancements. It introduces several new
hardware and software improvements,
including the improved SAILOR Replay
functionality. The highly advanced 3.2”
QVA display ensures the inbation can
be read regardless of the light condi
tions on the bridge – day or night. The
text can be displayed as white on black
background, and as black on white back
ground, to provide the optimal reading
condition in daylight. Red backlight pro
tects the night vision of the user.
Unique SAILOR Replay (240 sec.) of
incoming communication
High quality display – perfect night and
day vision
Powerful 6W loudspeaker
Intuitive and easy to operate menu
Large tactile buttons and wheelknobs
for easy operation
The popular SAILOR handset
The SAILOR 6222 VHF is the first ever DSC
Class A to be rated waterproof to IPx6
and IPx8, making it possible to install on
open workboats or outside deck areas.
More than GMDSS
SAILOR 6222 VHF complies with DSC
spec. 493-13 for VHF DSC Class A, which
is part of the mandatory requirements for
SOLAS vessels, and many national GMDSS
requirements. In addition to its role as
part of GMDSS it is one of the most
advanced, high quality and powerful VHF
radios available today. It is very well suited
to a wide variety of maritime operational
communications on board fishing vessels,
merchant, offshore ships and workboats.
  • 公司类型私营独资企业
  • 经营模式生产加工-私营独资企业
  • 联系人马晓虎
  • 联系手机18361662219
  • 联系固话0515-85107766
  • 公司地址江苏省东台市龙光西路1号
江苏省东台市新街镇,水陆交通十分便捷。是生产船用消防、救生产品的专业化企业,公司的生产装备齐全,检测手段完备,技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富。多年来,积极引进国内外先进技术,提高产品科技含量和自主研发能力,使公司在船舶消防、救生用品领域取得了重大成就,先后有两类产品荣获国家四项专利。   公司主要销售产品有:YWC型船用油污水处理装置、SWCM型船用生活污水处理装置、SWCX粉碎消毒系统、SWCH贮存柜;船用救生衣、船用儿童救生衣、救生衣灯、救生圈灯、救生筏示位灯、搜索信号灯、登乘绳梯、引航员软梯、保温用具、声响信号器具(号钟、号锣)、浸水保温服、静水压力释放器;消防炮、消防员装备、消防隔热服、消防员化学防护服装、紧急逃生呼吸装置、正压式消防空气呼吸器等获得中国船级社CCS型式认可。部分产品获得美国船级社ABS、美国海岸警卫队USCG、英国船级社LR、德国劳氏船级社GL、挪威船级社DNV、韩国船级社KR、日本船级社NK、俄罗斯船级社RS、法国船级社BV等国船级社认证。 !
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