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发布时间  2024-10-06 00:56:14 关注次数  12
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576core SMC optical cable handover box

For customers who need full configuration, please contact customer service to discuss the specific configuration and model in detail

The company provides 576 core optical transmission boxes with installation of plug-in splitter models, box splitter models, and regular models, allowing customers to choose their own suitable models

Product name: 576 core optical cable handover box

Capacity: 576 cores。

Fiber optic cable handover box, door lock with long-lasting brand lock.Spray free: Features:

  1. Used for fiber optic cable handover box, can be equipped with a 576core rack.
  2. Modular design: The built-in fusion tray (i.e. connection module) is layered up and down, successfully integrating fusion and wiring. The configuration is flexible, the drawer structure is simple and convenient, and the adapter is installed at an inclination angle, ensuring the optimal bending radius of the optical fiber and low wear.
  3. The processing of equipment external cables, termination of tail fibers, and fusion operations are all carried out on the front, providing more space and unrestricted installation site. It can also achieve the direct connection and storage functions of optical cables.
  4. The appearance is beautiful and generous, and can be comparable to imported boxes.

Main technical indicators:

Working temperature: -40 ℃~+60 ℃.

Relative humidity: ≤ 95% (+40 ℃).

Atmospheric pressure: 70Kpa~106Kpa.

Voltage withstand level: ≥ 3000V (DC) for 1 minute without breakdown or flashover.

Insulation resistance: ≥ 2 × 104M Ω/500V (DC).

Mechanical strength: The pressure perpendicular to the surface is greater than 980N.

Sealing perbance: Meet the IP65 level requirements in GB4208 standard.

Flame retardant perbance: meets the requirements of GB5169.7 standard.

Protection level: reaching IP65 level.

Instructions for use

1、 Overview

  1. Purpose

This equipment is used to connect, allocate, and schedule backbone and branch optical cables, and is widely used in fiber optic access network lines and CATV network line engineering.

  1. Main features

2.1 The box of the product is made of internationally popular SMC glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester plastic, which is molded at high temperature and has excellent corrosion resistance and aging resistance. The protection level of the box reaches IP65, which is fully suitable for various harsh outdoor working environments and can withstand sudden changes in climate and harsh working environments. The service life can reach 20 years or more; The box also has good insulation perbance, sealing perbance, and strong anti-theft perbance. The product has a beautiful appearance and a reasonable structure.


2.2 Modular design; The integrated fusion tray inside this device is a drawer type structure, which is simple and convenient. The installation of the adapter angle ensures the optimal bending radius of the optical fiber and low transmission attenuation. And can provide various accessories to protect the optical cable from accidental strain.

2.3 The processing of equipment external cables, termination of tail fibers, fiber skipping, and fusion operations are all carried out on the front, and the installation site is not restricted.

2.4 is suitable for both ordinary and ribbon optical cables.

  1. Main technical indicators

3.1 Working environment Working temperature: -40 ℃~+60 ℃。


适用范围联通 移动 广电
  • 公司类型私营独资企业
  • 经营模式生产加工-私营独资企业
  • 联系人姜泽
  • 联系手机15158397282
  • 联系固话0158-88593089
  • 公司地址慈溪市掌起镇巴里村
慈溪市慈普通信设备有限公司是一家专门从事移动互联领域通信设备生产制造与研发的新型民营企业。公司位于工业发达的慈溪市,是上海、杭州、宁波三大都市经济三角的中心,公司拥有自己独立的厂房,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,并同时引进了具有世界先进水平的生产线。我公司始终秉承“为顾客创造价值,持续健康发展”的经营理念始终贯彻“客户至上,诚信为本,精益求精,持续改进”的质量方针,凭借先进的企业管理,完善的质量体系为客户提供优质的产品。公司主要产品有:光纤配线架、光缆交接箱三网合一箱/配线架、光纤分纤箱(配线箱)、光分路器箱、ODF单元箱、网络机柜、多媒体信息箱(光纤入户箱)、网络机柜、光缆终端盒、光纤跳线、尾纤、相关配件等。为更好地服务于客户,提升企业配套供货水平,我们不惜重金进行技术改造和产品升级,先后引进国内外先进的生产设备和生产工艺。随着“互联网+”经济的迅猛发展,公司紧紧抓住“宽带中国”带来的机遇,我公司已形成自主研、产、供网络,为客户定制各类产品。 我们始终坚持以优化发展为主线,努力拓展产业链,完善产品系列,巩固和不断提升企业竞争力,坚持“以诚信为本,以共赢为目标”的发展方向,勇创机遇、不断进取,超越自我、奋斗不止。 15888593089
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