1、高抗冲、高耐热、阻燃、增强、透明等级别。2、综合性能较好,冲击强度较高,化学稳定性,电性能良好。 3、用于制作一般机械零件,减磨耐磨零件,传动零件和电讯零件。
耐高温ABS XR-409P LG化学
通用 ABS
用 AN, BD, SM 形成的 ABS 作为在冲击强度、耐化学性、成形性、尺寸稳定性等均为不错的产品,一般 ABS 适用于电子产品、文具类、玩具等多种通途。
挤出 ABS 主要用于冰箱内部或建筑材料,它的压缩稳定性、耐化学性、真空成形性等非常不错。尤其是本公司用于冰箱的挤出 ABS 是世界 M/S 的国际产品。
耐燃 ABS 维持了 ABS 的固有特性,是具有消防性的材料。塑料耐燃产品相比不如非耐燃 ABS 物性及加工性,但 starex 耐燃 ABS 作为将耐燃性的低物性最小化的产品,正在走向世界市场。
树脂虽在加工性、耐冲击性等具有出色的实用特点,但容易因热变形,因此对于要求耐热性的产品用途中被限制。starex 耐热 ABS 采用了高耐热度 SAN,是在 ABS 基础上加强了耐热性的产品。
一般来说 ABS 的镀金性虽好,但考虑生产性,应具备蚀刻(Etching) 及镀金密着力好的性质。starex 镀金 ABS 在蚀刻(Etching)时锚定孔(Anchor Hole)均衡,镀金密着力不错,是生产性及镀金不良率最小化的材料。
You can't experience being alive without realizing that you have to die, she thought. But it's just as impossible to realize you have to die without thinking how incredibly amazing it is to be alive.
The earliest Greek philosophers criticized Homer's mythology because the gods resembled mortals too much and were just as egoistic and treacherous. For the first time it was said that the myths were nothing but human notions.
One exponent of this view was the philosopher Xe-nophanes, who lived from about 570 B.C. Men have created the gods in their own image, he said. They believe the gods were born and have bodies and clothes and language just as we have. Ethiopians believe that the gods are black and flat-nosed, Thracians imagine them to be blue-eyed and fair-haired. If oxen, horses, and lions could draw, they would depict gods that looked like oxen, horses, and lions!
During that period the Greeks founded many city-states, both in Greece itself and in the Greek bies in Southern Italy and Asia Minor, where all manual work was done by slaves, leaving the citizens free to devote all their time to politics and culture.
耐高温ABS XR-409P LG化学
挤出 ABS
耐高温ABS XR-409P LG化学
阻燃 ABS
耐热 ABS
Metal Plating/Painting ABS
- 公司类型私营有限责任公司
- 经营模式经销商-私营有限责任公司
- 联系人严先生
- 联系手机13794466484
- 联系固话0755-88219346
- 公司地址深圳市宝安区 西乡大道宝源华丰总部经济大厦11楼
耐高温ABS XR-408P 价格 ¥22.00
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