Shaft seal(seal): The shaft seal type of the pump has packing seal, cover impeller seal, mechanical seal.
Transmission: There are V-type triangular belt transmission, elastic coupling transmission, gear gearbox transmission, hydraulic coupling transmission, frequency conversion drive device, Silicon controllable speed adjustment and so on. Among them, the V-type triangular belt drive has CL, CV, CR, ZL, ZV, and ZR transmissions.
Overall perbance: wide range of pump perbance, cavitation perbance, high efficiency. Multistage tandem technology can be used for long-distance transportation. There are a variety of bls available for the flow parts and the depth is increased. With various speeds and variations, the pump is operated under good engineering. Long service life, high operating efficiency, can be many kinds of poor transportation conditions.
- 公司类型私营独资企业
- 经营模式生产加工-私营独资企业
- 联系人徐经理
- 联系手机13582138818
- 联系固话0312-3428054
- 公司地址河北省石家庄市桥西
伊藤户外小型进口2寸汽油机水泵YT20WP大吸力防汛应急市政工程备用 ¥999.00
移动式防汛6寸汽油水泵 面议
移动式6寸汽油排涝水泵 面议
大流量汽油6寸消防水泵HS60X 面议
移动式6寸汽油水泵HS60X 面议
6寸汽油大流量防汛水泵HS60X 面议
汽油大流量6寸抽水机HS60X 面议
手启动6寸汽油水泵HS60X 面议
进口氟合金耐腐蚀自吸泵 ¥1588.00
德国VICTOR自吸泵 ¥862.00
柴油机移动排涝泵车 应急泵站 大流量自吸污水泵 ¥32000.00
VICTOR自吸泵 ¥1808.00
大江杜卡汽油水泵 3英寸口径80MM清水泵 ¥890.00
6寸汽油机抽水泵150立方移动自吸泵 面议
翰丝动力3寸汽油机排水泵HS30X,汽油排水泵3寸型号 ¥1500.00