产品名称: FSH-VV.FSH-VY,FYH-VY.FSH-VV22.FSH-VV23,FSH-VV32防鼠、防白蚁电力电缆
Rated voltage up to and including 35kV mouseproof or termiteproof powercable
产品标准 Standard
本产品按GB12706- 9《额定电压35kV 及以下铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》、GB2951.38-86《电线电缆白蚁试验方法》、Q/320282DCE014-2000《防鼠 电线电缆》标准生产。
电缆的型号 Type of cable
使用特性 Operating characteristics
Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of the conductor.
PVC insulated:70,XPLE insulated :90
Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor (5s )
?The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0。
?The bending radius of a cable 。
?single Ccore cables should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter , others not less than 15 times of the cable
Mouseproof cable is eligible ,because they have passed the mouseproof examination of national quality test center of wire and cable and animal experiment graduate school of university of medicinal science in Shanghai .
Termiteproof power cable is passed through GB2951.38-86.
Adopting advanced chemic way of ratproofing ,mouseproof or termiteproof cable have many virtue ,such as easy machining construction 、easy maintenance and light weight etc.
They have lower wirulence and cannot bring pollution ,moreover cannot bring twice disaster to people and entironment.
?防鼠 防白蚁有效期长,可达二十年以上。
They have awfully longger period of validity on mouseproof or temiteproof hand, their period of validity are all of twenty years.
Our company can product fire C retardant and flame C retardant wire and cable according to user requirement.
- 公司类型私营有限责任公司
- 经营模式生产加工-私营有限责任公司
- 联系人苏经理
- 联系手机15655066688
- 联系固话0550-7531878
- 公司地址安徽省天长市经济开发区
(ZR)-HGVFP阻燃屏蔽电缆3*25+1*16现货照片 ¥1.00
TX-G-FF含税价 ¥1.00
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JEM{JFEM)铜芯乙丙绝缘氯醚护套电机绕组引接电缆(电线)品质出众 ¥1.00
AF260高温镀银线载流量 ¥1.00
K型E型热电偶补偿导线生产地品牌 ¥1.00
计算机电缆价格高温计算机电缆价格ZR-DJFFRP包换包退 ¥1.00
KX-HA-FGP2高温补偿导线厂家供应 ¥1.00
WZPK2-194WZPK-198补偿导线式铠装热电阻三包电缆 ¥1.00
KC-HA-VPVP量身打造 ¥1.00
KGGP-14*1.5提供检测报告 ¥1.00
供应YGCB耐油橡套扁电缆-电缆生产工艺 ¥1.00
BV-105电线/电缆4mm26mm210mm2厂家合格证 ¥1.00
BC-HB-VVR规格齐全 ¥1.00