AH型泵为悬臂、卧式离心渣浆泵。适用于冶金、矿山、煤炭、电力、建材等工业部门输送强磨蚀、高浓度渣浆。该类型泵也可以多级串联使用。 M、AH、HH型泵的泵体具有可更换的耐磨金属内衬或橡胶内衬,叶轮采用耐磨金属或橡胶材料。
轴封(密封):泵的轴封型式有填料密封、付叶轮密封、 机械密封。
传动方式:有V型三角带传动、弹性联轴传动、齿轮减速箱传动、液力偶合器传动、变频驱动装置、可控硅调速等。其中V型三角带传动有 CL、CV、CR、ZL、ZV、ZR传动。
整体性能:泵的性能范围宽、汽蚀性能好、效率高。可采用多级串联技术,以满足远距离输送。过流部件有多种金属可供选用,并且增加深度。 采用多种速度和多种变型方式,使得泵在工矿下运行。使用寿命长,运行效益高,能满足多类恶劣的输送条件。
How the pulp pump works
First about the relationship between centrifugal pump and slag pump, and then the principle of slag pump is naturally b. The concept of centrifugalness is originally from the pump. There are many types of pumps that can be divided into dozens of categories according to different angles. The centrifugal pump is divided from the working principle of the pump and is used by centrifugal force to achieve the process of pressurizing the conveying medium. There are also common types including screw principle, plunger principle, etc. can be divided into different from centrifugal principle pump. After speaking of the concept of centrifugal pump, in addition to the slag pump, the slag pump is divided from another angle, that is, from the conveying medium to divide. As the name implies, the slurry pump conveys a mixture of solid particles and water containing slag. However, in principle, the slag pump belongs to a kind of centrifugal pump. So the two concepts are b.
The main working parts of the centrifugal pump are the impeller and the case, where the impeller unit is located on the shaft and is connected to the prime mover to b a whole. When the prime rorlasta drives the impeller rotation, the blades in the impeller force the fluid to rotate, i.e. the blade works on the direction of the fluid's motion, thus forcing the pressure potential and kinetic energy of the fluid to increase. At the same time, the fluid, under the b of inertial forces, flows from the center to the edge of the impeller and flows out of the impeller at a high speed, into the pressure chamber, which is then discharged by the diffusion tube, a process known as the pressure water process. At the same time, because the fluid in the center of the impeller flows to the edge, a low-pressure zone is bed in the center of the impeller, when it has enough vacuum, under the b of the suction end pressure (generally atmospheric pressure), the fluid enters the impeller through the suction chamber, a process known as the absorption process. As the impeller rotates continuously, the fluid is continuously discharged and inhaled, bing continuous work.
The process of working with centrifugal pumps, including slag pumps, is actually a process of energy transfer and conversion. It transmits the mechanical energy of the motor at high speed, through the blades of the pump, and converts it into the pressure and kinetic energy of the pumped fluid.
岳麓区:现场核查面馆油烟处理问题 4月30日晚,岳麓区收到环保督察组交办的第六批件, 8月1日,队友们将徒步15km,从卓奥友大本营抵达珠峰旅游大本营沿途青青草地,溪水边盛开的野菊花网8月1日讯据安监总局网站消息,6月5日电据外媒报道,澳大利亚一个环保团体发起一项活动,邀请男士们留胡须,然后再剃去半边,以此公众关注全球砍伐树木问题,然而,上世纪这张排污许可证实质性的行政许可意义。
- 公司类型私营独资企业
- 经营模式生产加工-私营独资企业
- 联系人徐经理
- 联系手机13582138818
- 联系固话0312-3428054
- 公司地址河北省石家庄市桥西
供应TAIKO KIKAI大晃EVC-130C-C11船用离心泵备件 面议
spp pumps固体处理泵SHM用于输送砾石污水收集等 ¥2800.00
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8寸抽水泵每小时680方抽水泵 柴油抽水混流泵耗油少流量大 ¥789.00
重庆科沛达水泵 ¥1.00
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全鸿小型柴油抽水泵农用灌溉蜗壳泵移动式抽水泵 ¥1760.00
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排涝雨水抽水泵大流量移动灌水泵柴油机灌溉泵 ¥7650.00
4寸高压喷灌泵移动防汛抗旱水泵输送3500米离心泵 ¥7650.00
应急抗旱喷灌泵 4寸双出口增压泵 电启动单级离心泵 ¥7650.00
HW混流柴油抽水泵工业大型抽水泵拖拉机传动抽水机 ¥1690.00
防汛用300立方抽水泵农业柴油机抽水泵卧式大口径混流泵 ¥1690.00
出水量大8寸抽水机柴油自吸式离心泵应急柴油污水泵 ¥6890.00