Pacific Scientific BLF2924-10-0-S-020无刷伺服电机
The function of admission control is to guarantee that network resources are only accessed by authorized devices which are who claim to be. Thus, it contains two aspects, one is authentication of the stations and the other is authorization
to access the resources. Normally both functions are combined in a single access protocol. Different attacks against admission control are the following: identity usurpation, replay attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, hijack of MAC addresses, session hijacking, masquerading, malicious device and message interception. Availability refers to the prevention from accessing and using the network by some unauthorized party. Attacks to availability are called Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The security requirement demands that the specificationmust be robust against these attacks as well as to any other possible attack.
III. SUCCINCT DESCRIPTION OF OPERA PHASE 1 SECURITY SPECIFICATION OPERA1 Specification [2][3] is aimed for PLC access networks and defines three types of devices, Head-End (HE), Repeaters (TDR, Time Division Repeaters) and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE). They typically b a multi-hop
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- 公司类型私营有限责任公司
- 经营模式经销商-私营有限责任公司
- 联系人周经理
- 联系手机15359298206
- 联系固话0086-15359298206
- 公司地址厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号万科创想中心2009-2011单元
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