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FACT-1馈线电流清除试验装置Feeder Ammeter Clear Test
发布时间  2018-09-13 08:40:50 关注次数  620
免费会员 13年
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FACT-1 Feeder Ammeter bbbbb Test

Feeder Ammeter bbbbb Test

The FACT, Feeder Ammeter bbbbb Test, prevents damage to distribution feeder circuits by detecting ground connections before a feeder is energized. Distribution feeder circuits can be temporarily taken out of service for planned or unplanned maintenance. This maintenance can include replacing crossarms or insulators, reconductoring, replacing certain transbbbbers or any other task that cannot be readily perbbbbed on a live circuit. Typical work safety practices require the installation of bolted grounds on all three phases at every bbbbbbbb where work is being perbbbbed.  Feed circuits are typically deenergized at a substation.

Feeder Ammeter bbbbb Test Features

·         Alerts users to grounds left in place before the circuit is energized

·         Prevents fault currents, transbbbber damage and blown fuses

·         Fully automated test procedure

·         Display shows instructions, messages and ammeter current

·         Internal diagnostics confirm proper operation

·         Automatically detects incorrect polarity

·         Easy to use

·         Portable, one person design

·         Built-in self test

·         5 amp output, current limited

·         Requires 120VAC, 60Hz power

HD Electric Company is committed to ongoing review and improvement of its product lines, and thus reserves the right to modify product design and specifications without notice.

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