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广州市安骏汽车用品有限公司-是一家拥有自主研发团队、自主生产技术、自有生产设备的中型汽车护理用品生产公司。公司坐落在美丽花城(广州)地区。安骏产品研发团队经过多年汽车护理用品研发,现已经研发生产出多种汽车清洗护理优质品。 其中代表产品有:洗车液、轮胎光亮剂、蜡水洗车液、全能水、机头水、镀膜洗车液、镀晶洗车液、轮胎蜡、表板蜡、万能泡沫清洁剂、空调免拆清洗剂、化清剂、柏油清洗剂、镀晶、镀蜡、免擦洗车液、防冻液、水箱宝、玻璃防雾剂、波箱油、排挡油、底盘装甲、雨刮精、泥土松散剂、发动机清洁剂、空气清新剂、除锈剂、润滑油等汽车护理用品。其中镀晶洗车液、蜡水洗车液、高泡洗车液​​顺利通过无伤车漆检验,让消费者使用更放心。深受市场客户信任,安骏产品已经推广到全国各大地区, “护理用安骏,汽车更放心”我们更安心。安骏秉承:“诚信经营、品质保证、客户至上”企业经营理理念,欢迎广大客户来电咨询与洽谈合作! Guangzhou An Jun Automobile Amenities Co.,Ltd. is a company with independent research and development team, independent producing technology and own manufacturing equipment of medium-sized car care products manufacturer . The company is located in the beautiful flower city of Guangzhou. An Jun R&D team after years of car care products research and developing, it has developed and produced a variety of car wash care products of good quality. The representing products are: automotive air-conditioning cleaning agents, car interior cleaning agent, foam car wash liquid,etc. It has passed the qualifi